Sanele Hlophe

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I am Sanele Hlophe, a  qualified Pharmacist - I was fortunate enough to receive the Umthombo Bursary during my second year of study, which was a life-changing opportunity for me.

Firstly, I was introduced to a mentor who was an absolute help with regards to making decisions that I would later not regret. I was also introduced to a family, my UYDF brothers and sisters, both younger and older than me. It was a great help because there was someone ahead who I could learn from, which has helped me to do well.

Umthombo has given me and many others the opportunity of being like other students and the chance at a quality education. The pocket money I receive every month goes a long way, not only for getting groceries or a few clothing items here and there, but I get to help my family whenever I can. It has taught me how to handle my finances and be responsible with money.

Today, I’ve been assured a better future, and I’m fully aware that my educational pursuit would not be possible without the generous support of the foundation.